Full throttle

From taking aim to taking it up a gear for our team day out 

It all began with an email that went out to the team from Stuart Choak, Calibro’s Managing Director. But this email was a bit different. ‘Bring your swimming stuff. Bring your favourite teddy bear.’ What on earth did Stuart have in store for the team on this Calibro away day in mid-October?  

Just like there can be a few unexpected issues that crop up in the planning process, Stuart likes to throw a few curveballs of his own. On a sunny Thursday morning the team of nine arrived at The Big Shoot at Weston Lodge Shooting Ground near Bristol. Turns out, a cap, sunglasses and ear defenders would be the order of the morning. 

Squeeze don’t pull 

Meet, greet, tea, coffee and safety talks. Then it was a brisk walk into the stunning woods, part of this 485-acre farm. Each team member had a total of 50 clays to shoot from five different stands, and everyone soon ‘got their eye in’. After a smashing time with the clays, Stuart brought out a plentiful picnic lunch and refreshments, with shooting the main topic of conversation, of course! 

“It was a really fun, unique experience and I really enjoyed and appreciated the opportunity to get to know all my new colleagues better
– George Hart, Graduate Transport Consultant 

On pole 

The caps and ear defenders were swapped for helmets and overalls in the afternoon: it was time to take to the dirt track. 

After their safety talk the team raced each other in four different karts, over four races of five laps each. And after a dusty, sweaty and hugely competitive couple of hours, everyone was ready to go back to base for refreshments. 

The results are in… 

It’s not the winning, it’s the…anyway, here are the medal winners! 

Shooting (men) – 1st  Will, 2nd  Stuart, 3rd  Nathan 

Shooting (women) – 1st  Amanda, 2nd  Amaia and joint 3rd  Felicia and Lois 

Karting – 1st  Richard, 2nd  Will, 3rd  Felica 

“A great day out, with great people!”
– Will Whiting, Head of Infrastructure 

The team here at Calibro can have a good time just sitting and chatting over a sandwich. So throw them into the woods and onto the track and add more than a dash of competitive spirit, and you have a triumph of an away day. 

Now, what will Stuart suggest bringing in the next team day teaser email…? 

Check out the highlights of the whole day…