Flood Risk & Hydrology

Analysis at every stage

Our detailed understanding of hydrological process and modelling techniques means we can provide accurate, honest advice at any stage in the planning process.

Assessing Risk
With instant access to the latest datasets and an in-depth understanding of how they are derived, we provide a refined appraisal of flood risk, whether it’s from rivers, the sea, coastal, surface water or groundwater.

Where necessary, we can challenge existing information and carry out site-specific appraisals ranging from common sense arguments, drawing on recorded flood events, to detailed hydraulic modelling.

Mitigating Risk
Where it’s not possible to avoid risk entirely, we distinguish between theoretical risk, the risk taking account of defences and residual risk; in order to derive appropriate strategies for managing these risks through site and building design.

Surface water drainage
As part of our flood risk service we derive compliant surface water drainage strategies that seek to enhance developments.

Navigating the planning process
The requirements of approving bodies are becoming increasingly stringent. Our rigorous analysis and thorough understanding of the planning regime help minimise project risks and maximise development. We have extensive experience of working on complex sites with demanding consultees – and never shy away from a challenge.

Collaborating for the right solution

We work by collaborating with other technical experts, such as external planners, masterplanners and landscape architects. Together we’re able to identify solutions that can be integrated seamlessly within site masterplans in the most cost-effective and sustainable ways, that also minimise construction and maintenance costs. We work seamlessly with colleagues in our Infrastructure team so that they’re ready to make your plans a reality.

Getting closer to the go ahead

We regularly provide Flood Risk Assessments and Flood Consequence Assessments (for Wales) in combination with outline or detailed drainage strategies. These comply with the requirements of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and Technical Advice Note 15, in support of planning applications for a range of developments across the UK.

Our understanding of the nuances of the flood risk and drainage policy allows us to foresee issues and tailor our approach to each application, including early engagement with statutory bodies.

Expert input and assessment

Flood risk assessments

Flood consequence assessments

River and coastal flood modelling

Surface water flood modelling

Flood map challenges

Analysis of recorded flood events

Flood mitigation design

Flood emergency management plans

Surface water drainage strategies (SuDS)

Pre-application engagement with statutory consultees and sewerage undertakers

Expert witness

Calibro go much further than just the basic service – it’s not just drawing a plan, they are committed to resolving something for you

Gareth Hooper
DPP Planning
Chief Executive Officer

Talk to Patrick, Head of Flood Risk & Hydrology

Our sector experience

We use our experience, insight and analytical approaches to respond to the exact needs of our clients; and identify and solve problems by targeting solutions that take in the bigger picture.