
Asserting an early influence

Clients often opt to involve us at the very earliest stages in their development projects. Our integrated service and expertise mean we can help to identify key obstacles and put in place the right strategies to overcome any issues.

More involved to add value

Our advice is so useful that we’re often involved in supporting clients’ site-finding activities. We provide market leading accessibility modelling to identify ‘off radar’ sites that are inherently linked to the principles of sustainable development, as required under the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) in England and Planning Policy Wales (PPW). We assess whether site flood risk is poorly defined, and where development will be significantly constrained by flood risk or the requirements for managing site drainage.

In fact, we have developed our market leading approach to provide quantifiable measures of transport related accessibility credentials of potential locations for new development; in combination with its risk of flooding and drainage constraints, to engage positively with local Councils.

Sustainability at front of mind

We take a lead role in the masterplan process, drawing on the expertise of our in-house transport planners, as well as our flood risk, drainage and infrastructure engineering colleagues. We ensure that our engineering solutions are able to balance the need to create quality new places with local distinctiveness; but which are also based on sound engineering principles that can move swiftly through the adoption process.

We recognise the potential opportunity that water management strategies can offer in delivering biodiversity gains and supporting active travel corridors. We take a design led approach with our in-house colleagues and external partners to maximise the opportunity, informed by detailed hydraulic models where necessary.

Committed to improving a range of projects

The schemes we’re involved in range in size and complexity, starting with just a few dwellings with simple access and layout considerations; through to large, strategic, mixed-use schemes of 1,200+ dwellings, that require extensive modelling of the wider network and delivery of strategic infrastructure improvements.

Current projects include:

Chawton Park Garden Village, Alton

1,200 dwellings in a mixed-use new community

Land North of Bayswater Brook, Oxford

1,100 dwellings in a mixed-use new community

Treasbeare Farm, Cranbrook, Devon

900 dwellings in strategic extension of a new town

Land at Failand, North Somerset

500 dwellings in a sensitive greenbelt location

Calibro go much further than just the basic service – it’s not just drawing a plan, they are committed to resolving something for you

Gareth Hooper
DPP Planning
Chief Executive Officer

Our sector experience

We use our experience, insight and analytical approaches to respond to the exact needs of our clients; and identify and solve problems by targeting solutions that take in the bigger picture.