Transport Planning

Commercial awareness, technical expertise

We specialise in guiding you through every stage of development planning, offering solutions that address your unique challenges, whether you’re working with previously developed land or exploring new prospective developments.

From conducting comprehensive feasibility studies and crafting innovative concept designs to providing expert witness services and meticulously detailed construction designs, our commitment is centered around understanding your specific needs.

We pride ourselves on not just navigating the complexities of planning conditions and obligations, but on leveraging our expertise to actively contribute to the success of your project.

Trusted partners in creating value

We understand that our clients want to knowthere is more to us than simply having the right tools for the job. We pride ourselves on being more than a service provider; we’re your dedicated partners committed to excelling at every task we undertake.

With a blend of expertise, enthusiasm, and unwavering commitment, we go beyond expectations to meet the unique challenges you face. We prioritise active listening to precisely understand your needs, ensuring that our approach is tailored to address your individual requirements and the nuances of your project.

Detailed assessment to move forward

We play a vital role in the early stages of your project, especially during pre-acquisition, where our expertise supports the identification of strategic land.

Our focus extends beyond providing feasibility and due diligence advice – we actively contribute to the promotion of sites through the Local Plan process. Notably, our market-leading approach to measuring transport-related sustainability and carbon modelling sets us apart from our peers.

This initial phase is just the beginning; we seamlessly transition into offering detailed input for the development of a commercially viable masterplan. Our commitment extends to conducting a robust technical assessment of traffic impacts, creating a narrative to express the logic of the proposals, and underpinned by rigourous evidence set out in transport assessments, transport statements, or environmental statements. These assessments serve as a solid foundation in support of your planning application.

Comprehensive services and analysis

Feasibility studies / due dilligence

Spatial Planning & Carbon Modelling

Transport assessments, transport statements

Accessibility audits and accessibility statements

Masterplan inputs and swept path analysis

Travel plans, travel plan coordinator services

Environmental impact assessments

Junction and network capacity modelling

Public engagement / stakeholder consultation

Discharge of Conditions

Car park capacity studies

Expert witness

The value added by the Calibro team cannot be understated. Their creative thinking and excellent analytical approach has delivered clear results on each project, and they have proven themselves as reliable and trustworthy advisors on all matters relating to transport, drainage and infrastructure

Steven Neal
Harrow Estates PLC
Head of Planning

Talk to Richard, Head of Transport Planning

Our sector experience

We use our experience, insight and analytical approaches to respond to the exact needs of our clients; and identify and solve problems by targeting solutions that take in the bigger picture.